Last updateFri, 14 Jun 2024 9am


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Jocotepec high school students stand out as young scientists

Creative teens belonging to the Jocotepec Preparatoria Science Club took top prizes at the Codigo Ciencia science fair held in June 12 and 13 in Guadalajara, earning them qualification to enter their outstanding projects in top-level national and international contests.

Nine of the budding scientists were selected to present projects at the national level ExpoCiencias set for November in Tampico, Tamaulipas.

They are Melvi Torres and Dania Valencia, who dreamed up a method for teaching physics to the visually impaired; Juan Antonio Sanchez and Ricardo Xilonzochitl, designers of a cane to help the blind avoid potholes; Angel Jimenez and Ramsec Ruvalcaba, inventors of a valve that detects gas leaks; Noemi Villaseñor and Jose Delgado, showing learning tools prototypes to understand theories; and  Perla Quintero, with her thesis on addiction to Internet auditory downloads.

Luis Garcia and Martha Maci 0as are looking farther afield to a contest to be held in Turkey thanks to a formula they developed for proving physics theories. Cynthia Picazo is up for a trip to Tunisa to compete with a campaign model she created to guide parents whose misplaced love causes them to overprotect their children.

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