St. Andrew’s Anglican
Sunday, September 8, Reverend Christine Wysock will preach and celebrate. The service begins at 10 a.m.
Saint Andrews Anglican Church is holding a Mexican Fiesta with an ample buffet catered by Viva Mexico restaurant of San Juan Cosala, Thursday, September 12 in the church garden. The social hour begins 1 p.m. and the buffet beings at 2 p.m. This is a fundraiser with profit going toward roof and electrical repairs at the church.
Ticket, 350 pesos, are available at the church. Margaritas will be sold and attendees are welcome to bring their own drinks. No tickets will be sold at the door.
St. Andrew’s live streams Sunday services and sermon highlights and publishes daily inspiration, parish news and events on its Facebook page: St. Andrews Anglican Lake Chapala.
To become part of the parish, contact Rev. James at standrewsparishlakeside His office hours are Monday and Friday, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
St. Andrew’s is at Calle San Lucas 19, in Riberas del Pilar.
Christ Church Lakeside
Sunday, September 8, the church will observe the sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, in person and via Zoom at 10:30 a.m. at our normal location. Reverend Jim Powers will be the celebrant and will give the message.
Those wishing to gather for brunch following the service will meet at 12:15 p.m. at Casa Linda Restaurant located at Rio Bravo 7 in Ajijic, 376-108-0887.
The next Loaves and Fishes Food Distribution will be held Tuesday, September 10, 11:30a.m. at Calle Jesus Garcia 11, in San Antonio Tlayacapan. 24. If you would like to help be sure the food we are donating is properly sorted and delivered to the families we support with this important outreach, please come by.
Also, your monetary donations and other help are needed and are always most appreciated. For more information contact Paula Rosas Garcia at 333-368-6104 or email prg26aj@
Wednesday, September 11, the Bible Study, hosted by Reverend Danny Borkowski will be held on Zoom starting at 1:30 p.m. All are invited to attend as we learn about the inspired contents of the Bible, and share our insights with each other.
For Zoom sign-in information, contact Rev. Borkowski at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 376-766-2495 for the ID and password.
St. Mark’s Anglican GDL
An international worship community offering the only English-language worship in metro Guadalajara. Sundays at 11 a.m. In English with some Spanish readings/music. Rev. Andrew Ramsay Krumbhaar officiates. Chichimecas 836, corner of Aztecas, Colonia Monraz, Guadalajara. Website:; Facebook: stmark44670.
Heritage Baptist Church
Hebrews 8:10 says: “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws into their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” The New Covenant is an internal union with God, joining people with God in a bond of loving devotion through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Sin continually broke Covenant Fellowship with the Lord in the Old Covenant and it could never reach a stage of completion. Under the Old, the Law was an external force requiring the people’s obedience but under the New, Christ was obedient even unto death. The Law is no longer written in stone, but in hearts and so it is internal. What we could never do under the Old Covenant, God does for us under the New Covenant. This proves over and over again the fallibility and frailty of man and the Supremacy of God.
Heritage has a new home for Sunday services at 10:30 a.m. at the Chapala American Legion. All are welcome. Visit for more information.
Little Chapel by the Lake
Pastor Thomas will be speaking this Sunday, September 8 on “ Born Again to a Living Hope.” A Grace Meal will follow immediately after the 11 a.m. service with September birthdays being celebrated after the meal.
The Little Chapel by the Lake is located at Ajijic-Chapala Highway 10 in Chula Vista.
Information: 331-307-0669.
Donations for our mission in San Juan Tecomatlan are always gladly accepted via our big purple box in front of the Chapel. Thank you for continuing to contribute via your donations. Clothing distribution has now been extended to the town of Mezcala as well.
A Bible study in the book of John 4 is Tuesday, 4:30 p.m.
Thursday Bible study at 10 a.m. on Genesis with Pastor Thomas.
Thursday, September 19, the Lakeside singers will singing at Nursing Home, Lake Chapala. An hour of fun singing, whatever your level may be.
Saturday’s carwash fundraiser is from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in front of the Chapel by the boys from Mama Cleo’s boys home, to meet their many financial needs.
Unitarian Universalists
Sunday, September 8, Rev. Matt Alspaugh will present “An Invitation into the Future” at the Unitarian Universalist (UU) Fellowship.
Every morning as we wake up, become gradually more conscious, aware, we find ourselves with an invitation into the future, into another day, and further, into the rest of our lives. How do we open this invitation? Where does it lead us? Who do we invite to join us along the way?
Dee Deee Camhi is the service associate.
Sunday service is at noon, at the Lake Chapala Unitarian Universalist Fellowship’s new location at San Luis 19 in Riberas del Pilar.
Lake Chapala Baptist
In July 1961, 38 of the best football players in America sat waiting for their coach. Still stinging from last season, everyone expected sophisticated strategy and technical plays. They would outsmart the enemy. Vince Lombardi walked in and said, “Gentlemen, this is a football!”
He proceeded to lead his team in an obsession with the basics. The near Super Bowl winners from the previous season had to attend to blocking, throwing and tackling. But something happened. Six months later, they beat their opponents 37-0 for the Super Bowl championship and what is now the Lombardi trophy.
This fall, we’ll use the Apostles Creed as a guide. We’ll search the scriptures and find out what all believers have in common. We’ll obsess about the basics, not for their own sake, but so that we can love God and love others with all the skill and wholeheartedness of which they are worthy.
English worship service is Sundays at 10:45 a.m. with Pastor Dan Klassen. Spanish worship service follows at 12:40 p.m. English-language Bible study is Sunday at 9:30 a.m. and Tuesday at 10 .am. Lake Chapala Baptist Church, Santa Margrita 147, Riberas del Pilar. Information: office: 376-765-2925; cell. +1 508 -838-9156.
Heart of Awareness
The Heart of Awareness Buddhist Community offers the opportunity to meditate in a supportive environment at its Practice Center (Guadalupe Victoria 101, Ajijic). Weekly practice sessions are Sundays and Wednesdays. Chairs and cushions are provided.
Sunday, September 8, 9 to 10 a.m.: One hour of sitting and walking meditation.
Wednesday, September 11, 3:15 to 6:15 p.m.: Center is open for socializing (3:15-3:45 p.m.). One hour of sitting and walking meditation (4 to 5 p.m.). September’s theme “Sangha As Practice” is the topic of Senior Dharma Teacher Marty Janowitz’s talk. Marty says, “Good teachings and stable meditation are jewels of Buddhist practice, but the ‘third’ jewel, sangha, is both integral and foundational—more than a place, or the people who practice there.” (5 to 6:15 p.m.).
Join online via Zoom at
Thursday, September 12, 1-2:30 p.m.: Thursday’s Book Practice/Study Group continues reading “The Art of Happiness in a Troubled World, by the Dalai Lama.” Newcomers welcome. Owning the book isn’t required, a library copy is shared.
San Andres Catholic
Marcos Castellanos 14, Centro, Ajijic. English Mass Sundays, 9 a.m. Information: Rose, +423-312-7468.
San Juan Bautista Catholic
English Mass, Sundays 9 a.m., Del Cardinal 25, San Juan Cosala.
Abundant Life Church
What are the desires of your heart? Some long for love others for money, fame or power. The desires of your heart often will indicate what we end up getting. Our desires motivate us and put a drive in our plans to accomplish our goals. As believers, our earthly desires are always overshadowed by our all-encompassing desire for more of God. Come this Sunday, September 8, as we come to understand that our desire for more of Jesus is always richly rewarded.
Abundant Life is affiliated with the Assemblies of God of Mexico. Weekly Sunday worship services in English start at 10:30 a.m. Services are on the Facebook page as well as the YouTube channel. The English services schedule is at Carretera 140, San Antonio Tlayacapan.
Lakeside Presbyterian
Hard Sayings of Jesus: “True strength in conflict,” Matthew 5:38-48.
Let’s face it, we all like a good fight; look at the popularity of movies like The Karate Kid, Raging Bull, The Fight Club, and more. Unprovoked assault will typically initiate resentment at the least, and usually a desire for retaliation. Retaliation, though, is not Christ’s model. Instead, true strength is shown in restraint. How does that work? Come and see!
Sunday English-language services are at 9:30 a.m. The English-language service also streams live at Spanish service begins at 11 a.m. Everyone is welcome to Wednesday drop-in Bible study. Calle San Jorge 250 in Riberas del Pilar, just south of Mom’s Restaurant, toward the lake.
Jewish Congregation
Every Friday, 6 p.m. (2nd and 4th Friday are pot lucks). Every Saturday Torah service, 10 a.m. (live and via Zoom).
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; website:
Eckankar in Ajijic
Eckankar is an active, individual, creative spiritual practice. A companion and road map for your journey home—to the heights of self-discovery and God-discovery, and beyond. Eckankar can help you discover the keys to spiritual freedom that lay within you.
Join us for a Sound of Soul event every 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 2:30 to 4 p.m. at Garden for Dreams Hotel, Constitucion 105, Ajijic. Experience a HU chant with others for 20-minutes followed by a spiritual discussion. Organized by students of Eckankar in Ajijic. Information: or (52)669-431-8484.Organized by students of Eckankar in Ajijic. Information: or (52)669-431-8484.
Seventh-Day Adventist
The Lakeside Chapala Seventh-day Adventist Church invites you to share a good time together every Saturday, 10 a.m. for fellowship and singing. 10:30 a.m. for a shared biblical study and at 11:30 a.m. the main worship service.
Help with transportation; WhatsApp 642-161-4143 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Information:
Carretera Chapala-Ajijic No. 10, Fracc. Chula Vista, Chapala.
Unity Ajijic
Change your thinking, change your life. Unity Ajijic offers positive spiritual teachings and practical, uplifting resources to those of all faiths. Our visiting minister-in-residence program brings a different Unity minister to the community each month. These seasoned ministers provide inspiring messages and empowering classes to help you create a more fulfilling and abundant life. Services in English are held Sundays, noon, at Namaste Village, Angel Flores 5 in Ajijic. Services can also be attended remotely via Zoom. Access is provided through, where past services can also be viewed.
Christian Science Group
You are invited to attend our Testimony Meetings every first and third Wednesday of the month at noon at Cinco de Mayo 3, Ajijic. The one-hour meeting begins with readings from the Bible and the Christian Science textbook “Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy, followed by testimonies of spiritual healing that have resulted from the study and practice of Christian Science. For more information visit or call 331-155-4733.
Judea de Jalisco
Judea de Jalisco is an alternative, Mexican and expat/immigrant, LBGTQA+ welcoming, faith-based community for spiritual and social events, where Jewish ethics/values, music, laughter and food are highlighted. Email email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.
Grace Church Chapala
Grace Church Chapala is a Christian Church located in the Bravo Theatre building at 441 Hidalgo in Riberas del Pilar. We welcome you to worship Jesus Christ with us on Sunday’s at 10 a.m. Our praise music is a contemporary style. Information:, tel. 333-399-1501.
Mezcala Christian Church
Pastor Lionel Sanchez and other area Christian pastors share and teach the love of Jesus every Saturday, 10 a.m. A delicious Grace meal is provided after every service. Transportation or carpooling at 9:15 a.m. from Walmart, Little Chapel by the Lake or Soriana parking lots available. Contact 970-219-5983 in advance via WhatsApp FaceTime or messenger. Calle Hidalgo 251 B, Mezcala (green building with burgundy cross).
Community Fellowship
Independencia 159, (next to Fenix Realty), San Antonio Tlayacapan.
Sunday service, 10 a.m.; Ladies Bible study, Tuesday, 10 a.m.; Men’s Bible study, Thursday, 10 a.m. Information: 332-208-9263.