Last updateFri, 21 Jun 2024 11am


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Green Party loses TV spots, fines now total US$34 million

Despite repeated infringements of electoral laws, the polemic Green Party of Mexico (PVEM) won’t – for now at least – be stripped of its right to remain a political party but will banned from airing TV spots for the last three days of its campaign. 

Earlier this month, the party was hit by the National Electoral Institute (INE) with a record fine of 329 million pesos (US$2 million) for diverting public money into its campaign. The Green Party have now accumulated 522 million pesos (US$34 million) in fines due to 13 separate transgressions, including giving away cinema tickets and supermarket discount cards,  making illegal use of the electoral roll and – astonishingly for a supposedly pro-environment party – distributing four million calendars made from non-recyclable material.

The party has applied for a loan from a financial institution to pay off some of its rapidly accumulating debt. According to Guadalajara Green Party candidate Enrique Aubry, the party’s actions should be interpreted as a political strategy and not criminal violations of electoral law. “I understand the criticisms,” the political hopeful said. “I also understand the viciousness directed at the party owing to its growth at a national level.”

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