“Emilia Pérez,” the controversial movie about a Mexican drug lord who changes gender, premiered in cinemas across Mexico on Thursday, January 23. Coincidentally, this was the same day the thriller-musical was nominated for a record 13 Academy Awards.
After winning four Golden Globes earlier this month—including Best Musical or Comedy, Best Non-English Language Film, Best Actress (Zoe Saldana), and Best Original Song—Netflix’s “Emilia Pérez” is poised for further success at the Oscars ceremony on March 2.
However, the French-made film has sparked significant backlash in Mexico, mainly for its portrayal of sensitive issues like missing persons. Critics argue that it trivializes the topic and even mocks Mexican society as a whole. Another major criticism is the lack of Mexican representation in the cast and crew.
Despite this, some of Mexico’s most prominent filmmakers have praised the movie. Oscar-winning director Guillermo del Toro described it as “so beautiful to see a movie that is cinema.” Similarly, Mexican director Issa López called the film “a masterpiece,” stating that French filmmaker Jacques Audiard handled complex issues such as drug trafficking, enforced disappearances, and gender identity better than most local creators.
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