Last updateFri, 10 May 2024 9am


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Where to eat chiles en nogada in GDL

Chiles en nogada consists of poblano chiles filled with picadillo (a mixture usually containing shredded meat, aromatics, fruits and spices) topped with a walnut-based cream sauce, called nogada, and pomegranate seeds, giving it the three colors of the Mexican flag: green for the chili, white for the nut sauce and red for the pomegranate. 

This color combination makes it a popular dish in the patriotic month of September. Here’s a list of a few restaurants in Guadalajara that have chiles en nogada on their menus.

La Tequila, Av. Mexico 2830 and Lopez Matoes Sur 1720 (in La Gourmeteria).
Argentilia, Av. Americas 840
El Sacromonte, Pedro Moreno 1398
Los Otates, Av.  Mexico 2455
Fonda de San Miguel Arcangel, Pedro Moreno 524, GDL centro

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