Last updateFri, 21 Jun 2024 11am


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Charities score big at 40th Cookoff

After recovering from three days of spicy hoopla and several weeks of intense bean counting to finalize accounts, organizers of the 2018 Mexican National Chili Cookoff revealed it was the most successful in the event’s 40-year history, especially for the eight charity organizations it supports.

Commission okays final draft of traffic rules

Debate over the legality of driving golf carts on public thoroughfares turned into the last hurdle for approval of the final draft of Chapala’s own traffic rules under consideration by the City Council’s Public Security and Transit Commission.

Crime Watch page goes live

In the wake of the violent attack against resident expat Lisa Struss, friend and fellow Canadian Christine Philipson Steadman has launched Lake Chapala Crime Watch, a Facebook page to serve as a community channel for reporting and preventing criminal activity.

Highway improvement project unveiled in Ajijic

Dozens of cyclists gathered Sunday, March 11 to take a spin along the new stretch of the ciclovía (bike path) bordering the Ajijic highway, created as a part of the urban improvement project carried out by the Chapala government over the past six months.