Last updateFri, 03 May 2024 10am


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Are you a misanthrope?

Misanthropy is a real thing. It’s not bigotry or any of the “isms” associated with bigotry. It’s a generalized dislike of unlikable human behavior that lacks empathy and respect for other people and rejects their legitimate ambitions, needs, sensibilities and abstract thinking.

Little-known fixes our Magic Town might look into

There’s no question that as a new year begins, infrastructure is still the most common mentionable here at Lakeside: unrepaired inner-village cobblestone streets, avenues and sidewalks, poor traffic signals, sewage drainage, traffic overload, development overload, parking availability and so on.

Christmas and the economics of gifting

For all of our long-standing griping about our commercial Christmas, and how quaint it used to be when we were getting oranges, handkerchiefs, ties and stockings, the truth is Christmas really isn’t commercial enough, according to people who understand the economics.

Beware your genome history

Many societies around the world are aging into high numbers. What’s more, medical science and its advances are at it again, filling the heads of seniors with the crazy (even scary) idea that many more of us living today could make it to 100 years (I for one would like a second opinion).

The Mexican character & international diplomacy

We hear a lot about diplomatic solutions these days. For those of you who find diplomacy puzzling, or wonder why few if any critical global issues ever get resolved, it’s because diplomacy only works if both parties are on an equal footing, both with strong hands to play.