Last updateFri, 14 Jun 2024 9am


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Getting to know ‘The Beautiful Game’

Canada has caused quite some excitement with its recent showing in World Cup soccer 2022 qualifying, leading their group, with the United States and Mexico just behind – nice news to replace media attention on record Mexican murder rates, the U.S. rise in political tyranny (AKA: MAGA), self-cloning viruses—and to give some recognition to our amicable northernmost neighbors.

Politics and punches

We’ve all experienced cortesia here. This quality of Mexico’s polite formality is often translated narrowly as courtesy with rarely a display of temper, frustration or emotion.

The protective colorations of truth

When you read about judicial courts the world over parsing every case in order to discover, in crystal-clear precision, a mutually agreed-upon reality of any matter, more often than not, none of it on either side presents as a complete “truth.”