Last updateFri, 21 Jun 2024 11am


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We all carry heavy burdens

One good thing as we clean up and stay isolated. It’s now okay to be a flaming hypochondriac. And washing your hands to a ceviche pink is no longer a sign of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Judgment Day etiquette

It appears that Israel is “rebuilding the Temple,” in Jerusalem.  This is the third temple predicted in the Old Testament and a prophetic antecedent to the “End Times.” Which will include Judgment Day, with a halftime show sponsored by Coors Light.

Bias vs. Truth – Part 2

Categorizing or stereotyping people serves the mistaken idea that we know who a Muslim or a Mississippian is and what to think about each of them instantaneously.  “Oh, you’re from Ireland, let me see if we have any whiskey in the house.” The only time this kind of thing doesn’t happen is when bigots don’t know anything about a given group. “Oh, you’re from Mauritania. Uhhhh ... nice.”

Don’t worry, be happy

According to news sources, President López Obrador is preparing an “alternative index” to Mexico’s GDP that will measure people’s happiness and well-being to show a positive contrast to current slouching economic growth.