Last updateFri, 21 Jun 2024 11am


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Diving into the gene pool

Many societies around the world are aging in high numbers. Despite all the lying about age and the physical and cosmetic enhancements, the real ages are on record.

Posterity here and now

Elder white men as experienced and smarter than the rest is growing into a myth. Like 150 years of so-called toothpaste improvements, these ruling patricians persisted in power by convincing people that they always had something new and effective to offer the world.

Help plot your future

If there is one question haunting everyone these days, it is: What is my future – and will it include another root canal. Here are some tips on how to find out.

The cutter ant quatrain

I have spent much of my time lately reading through Nostradamus’s quatrains, looking for the one that predicts all Earthly vegetation being razed by cutter ants.