Privileges for the vaxed?
To vax or not to vax is about the hottest topic of social and political conflict going on now north of the border.
To vax or not to vax is about the hottest topic of social and political conflict going on now north of the border.
Watching international news playing on CNN a few nights ago got on my nerves. Headline stories were about the downfall of the New York Governor, wildfires blazing across the globe and the relentless devastation of the Covid pandemic.
Who am I to advise the local government on how to handle official busi-ness?
Am I the only one noticing a lot of risky behavior going on in our community these days? Last I heard, the coronavirus pandemic is not only still with us, but now surging in a new wave with the virulent Delta strain.
The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry, the age old adage says. And so it was while I was furiously cranking out copy as this week’s Reporter deadline loomed just hours away.
An overcast day brought steady rain and a low-key thunderstorm that started after nightfall and didn’t let up until sunrise.
Resident expats are inclined to warn prospective newcomers that the worst of weather in the world’s best climate comes on with a vengeance in the month the May.