The bullfight—the world’s most bizarre rom-com
A ban on the spectacle of bullfighting in Mexico City is now being aggressively challenged in the courts.
A ban on the spectacle of bullfighting in Mexico City is now being aggressively challenged in the courts.
Based on the worldwide currency of truly bad behavior, in politics, in business and in daily life, it seems impossible these days to identify sins, as in offenses against the supernatural ruling party.
If you think about all the people whose names you’ve forgotten in your life, it can be quite embarrassing, now at post (?) pandemic.
Books on certain uncomfortable subjects are being banned today, and spoken references about groups who are not “normal white folks” are being retranslated into something ideologically acceptable.
“More and more foreigners are living like kings in Mexico; many Mexicans already find them a royal pain,” reports the Mexico News Daily.
Every nation has a version of what they consider human rights, infused into it over centuries, even millennia.
With the Covid-19 pandemic now waning, Jalisco’s Department of Health (SSJ) has begun ramping up a pre-rainy season campaign to prevent the spread of dengue fever, sending a brigade of agency staffers to the Chapala area to provide home dwellers with water treatment products that knock out the proliferation of disease-carrying mosquitos.