Don’t worry, be happy
According to news sources, President López Obrador is preparing an “alternative index” to Mexico’s GDP that will measure people’s happiness and well-being to show a positive contrast to current slouching economic growth.
According to news sources, President López Obrador is preparing an “alternative index” to Mexico’s GDP that will measure people’s happiness and well-being to show a positive contrast to current slouching economic growth.
Boys and girls, we’ve changed a lot since the 2020 coronavirus pandemic.
Governments everywhere are pouring money into their economies to cushion the blow from the coronavirus.
It’s May, time to welcome the May fly, and then say goodbye, since it only lives for as short a time as five minutes, while its gestation period is two years.
Here’s a flash history of the origins of pandemics. At 50,000 years ago, a pandemic would have been the fault of a hapless tribal shaman; 5,000 years ago, it would have been the act of a god; 500 years ago, it would have been an act of Satan; 50 years ago, it would have been African-American music.
Social distancing causes one huge problem for me. Forgetting people’s names. Especially for people who were once important in your life.
It turns out that the quarantine in China caused a sudden splash of divorces after the lockdown was over. One of the reasons was probably Chinese camera withdrawal. With nothing to photograph, they all went nuts.